All lighthouses in this page are on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

The following is a photo of Amphitrite Point Lighthouse. According to Wikipedia, it was built in 1915. It’s the only active lighthouse in the Tofino-Ucluelet region. You can see the light in the red structure on top of the lighthouse.

The following are 2 photos of Race Rocks Lighthouse off the coast of Victoria. According to Wikipedia, the lighthouse is one of first two lighthouses that was built on the west coast of Canada. It was built in 1860 and from the rock quarried in Scotland.

Race Rocks Lighthouse - Lighthouses of Vancouver Island
Race Rocks Lighthouse

The following are two photos of Ogden Point Breakwater Lighthouse. It was built in 1916.

Ogden Point Breakwater Lighthouse
Ogden Point Breakwater Lighthouse